I’m Dexter Washington Jr. Founder & Design Lead @ Crafted Studios


I'm Founder & Lead UX/UI Designer @ Crafted Studios with 5+ years of experience and an expertise in Webflow. I have a proven track record of elevating businesses to new heights through crafted UI and leadership. I've designed websites, design systems, and interfaces for startups in like FalconX, Ghost Locomotive, Zest AI, & Lever. I also have extensive design experience with enterprises like Yahoo, Allegiant Airlines, Delta, Mom’s Meals, & more. Looking forward to working with you!

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Dogpeople membership app experience. UX/UI design, research, and user personas.

Design thinking

I designed an MVP for Dog People, a membership application experience for a Dog Park. I started with a user persona, I went through user flows suggested by one of their team members, and I reworked it to consider accessibility & ease of navigation.

I started by considering the users pain points and challenges. Baked into the product, we have an event experience, account management, and Park updates.

A major function of the app was to create a community of like minded individuals. Giving the app a more robust feel and look, also adding benefit to activate a membership.

From there, I broke down the needs, challenges, behaviors, and preferences of a user persona like the one below. We made sure a dog park membership program can be designed to cater to their needs and create a fulfilling experience for both the user and their dog.

Main Objectives

Pain Points:

Limited opportunities for socialization: Sarah often struggles to find suitable places for Max to interact and socialize with other dogs. She wishes to provide him with regular opportunities for play and socialization but often finds it challenging due to a lack of suitable spaces.

Community engagement: Sarah actively engages in online dog owner communities and seeks recommendations and advice from fellow dog owners. She enjoys participating in dog-related events and workshops that promote education and responsible pet ownership.


Flexibility in membership options: Sarah prefers a program that offers different membership tiers with flexible pricing structures to cater to her specific needs and budget.

Online community platform: Sarah would appreciate a membership program with an online community platform where dog owners can connect, share experiences, exchange tips, and seek advice. This platform could also provide information about upcoming events, park updates, and general pet-related news.

User Persona

end results
